
It's not goodbye...

I want to thank everyone who has shown an interest in this blog. I've learned a lot about blogging and myself over the last year and a half. And it is because of what I've learned that I have decided to start fresh in a new space. It was a difficult decision. I am extremely fond of this space and it has come such a long way from where it began, but I've come to realize that it is unfocused and I have lost some of my passion and momentum because of it.

This isn't the last of me. I'm taking what I've learned and starting over with Honey + May. The content is similar, but focused on clothing alterations/DIYs and I expect to use it as a shop platform as well. This is what I'm passionate about and I'm excited for its potential. I would love for you to visit my new space and tell me what you think! Thank you, dear readers. You inspire me. I will leave this site up indefinitely for you to peruse. I'll be carrying over some of my relevant content to the new site.

Hope to see you over at Honey + May!

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