
Reusable Stencil Painted Tank DIY

 Paint projects are my absolute favorite. I don't know why particularly. Just something about paint makes me glad to be alive! And adding paint to something I can wear takes the cake. I made some simple reusable stencils to add images to a couple of inexpensive blank tank tops from Forever 21.
Start out by sketching a design on a piece of scrap paper. I actually used Google Images and traced them right off my computer screen. To create a sturdier, reusable stencil, I then traced my design onto a plastic report cover. Initially I planned to use a basic transparency, but it turns out a box of transparencies is ridiculously expensive. So use the plastic report covers. I bought a package of 6 for $3 at Office Max. Since the covers are double sided, that's the equivalent of having 12 transparencies to play with. After I transferred the image I wanted, I used an exacto knife to cut out the design. Now it's time to paint! Make sure to put a piece of cardboard in between the shirt layers to prevent bleeding. I used spray paint, but obviously fabric paint would work too. To have more control over the paint application, I sprayed a small amount of paint at a time into a disposable plastic container and applied it to the cut out areas within my stencil using an old sponge. Easy peasy. Let it dry completely, then wash normally. This is a really fun process with so many possibilities. I'll definitely be making more! If you decide to make one share your pics :)

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